March 12, 2005

A Case of Wrongly Protected Rights?

Sometimes truth is sick. Here is a take on yesterday's incredible news story out of Georgia.

Deputies sitting around having coffee ~ pre-trial: "Well now let's see, he's 6 ft 1 and 200 pounds, he's being held on charges of rape, let's let him change into civilian clothes and unshackle him so that none of his rights are compromised by a potentially biased jury. Oh yeah, and hey let's have him led into the courtroom by an armed, female deputy. That oughta do it."

Minutes later ...(brief and mismatched scuffle between the accused and his armed female escort)

Bang! Bang! Bang!
(Judge, court reporter and sheriff's deputy dead. No-longer-armed female deputy with head injury. Civilian woman traumatized by carjacking and civilian man traumatized by gun whipping to the head and carjacking)

Deputy 1: "Oops - bad call on that courtroom escort"
Deputy 2: "Well at least his rights weren't compromised"
Deputy 1: "Yeah ... Phew!"

Media to public: "... and the man is armed and dangerous. DO NOT approach him."
Me in my living room listening to media: "GEE, YA THINK?"

And the search is on ...

If and when this animal is found, he will probably have to be shot dead simply because of his armed/dangerous/murderer status. I'm hoping nothing worse comes of it, such as the opening of the ugly racial can of worms.

This is sick. It is truth.


Blogger Wally said...


It's an awful truth, and it's getting sicker every day.

7:01 AM  
Blogger brooksba said...


Oh, what an awful piece of news. It's sad to hear.


9:10 PM  
Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

That is awful. And it happens all to often.
Oh well, as long as the guilty have their rights protected...

3:08 PM  

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