Beneath the Roof
The first thing I recall about the attic in my childhood house is that it was a bit darker than the main living space; just two bare lightbulbs dangled precariously from the rafters - one toward the front of the house and the other toward the rear. This space held all of our things that were dear enough to keep, but were rarely if ever needed. Oh what things there were! It was probably a typical looking attic to millions, but to me, it was all about the family and all about our personal history.
Every time I opened the door and walked up the full set of stairs leading to this wide open sanctuary, my imagination would stir; not only because of all that I played with during my last visit, but also because of what I might discover this time around. Peering into boxes and old dresser drawers was just the greatest fun!
Long, satin evening gloves and velvet, toeless high heeled shoes transformed me instantly into any of the marvelously beautiful movie stars of long, long ago. If I felt giddy, I could be Doris Day. If I was feeling all huggy, I could be Veronica Lake or Rita Hayworth. In my little girl’s eyes, Miss Lake was a huggy type. If I felt sassy, I could even be Marilyn. Dad used to say she was sassy – to me, it meant she was pretty and charming, and sometimes rather cheeky.
Mom had saved many of the old dresses and gowns she wore during the 30s and 40s (this is still my favorite clothing era). She stored them in zippered, plastic garment bags. The bags were yellowed and crackly, but once opened, the clothes were like new. What I wouldn’t do now for some of those vintage gowns, bedecked with sequins and strips of velvet and satin! They were truly glorious dresses. It’s odd that I never really saw them as “old.” They were just way too big for me and I knew if I handled them too much, something might fall off or break. I simply stood back from the bags and admired them for many moments at a time.

There was a section of the attic that was clearly reserved for dad’s old stuff. He too had a garment bag. In it hung his old army uniform and jacket, a handsome suit or two, some expensive looking ties and some old, well-worn hats. But the best of dad’s stuff – the absolute, knock-my-socks-off best, was the day I found his old mandolin and ukulele. There was also a lute, but its strings were long gone.
Moving away from the old dressers, behind the chimney wall, there were two metal cabinets with shelving. The contents of these cabinets transformed me quite quickly into teacher; some days, librarian. Books. Wonderful, wonderful story books lived inside of these cabinets! There were books for all ages, some that I couldn’t even understand as yet. Dick and Jane books, Nancy Drew Mysteries, The Bobbsey Twins, Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn stories, old school text books, brown-paged dictionaries and encyclopedias ~ these books gave me so much pleasure because as I “taught” from them (my dolls and stuffed toys made wonderful students), I also learned from them. Not a whole lot, but more than I would have, had I not played with them.
I’m interrupting myself here because I’ve just now recalled something – as I’m typing this. I recall wanting to live there – right there – in our attic! I remember pretending it was “my place.” Christ, I couldn’t have been more than five or six years old, possibly even younger when I first discovered this haven.
There was a good sized blackboard with little pieces of chalk no bigger than my fingernail. I got the most out of those little white chunks – drawing images and pretending to teach math. I’m laughing to myself a little because I even remember hollering at my stuffed toys if they misbehaved during class! That was a direct result of being taught by the nuns in real life ~ I'm sure ~ except I didn’t smack my toys with the blackboard eraser.
It was also in my attic that I first picked up a hairbrush (microphone) and belted out a tune. I knew darned well nobody could hear me two floors below in the main of the house. My little mind placed me on the grandest of stages and while there, I could sing out all the way to the back row without being hushed.
The antique record player I used to spin the 78s (thick yet fragile LPs that were once my father’s) would play out a scratchy tune by Hoagy Carmichael or Glenn Miller, and not knowing the words to these wonderful old songs, I’d simply make some up. My stuffed toys transformed as well – from students to audience – in a heartbeat! And oh how they would applaud me. Mmm, mmm, mm. I must have been pretty good.

As I grew older, I started to bring some loose leaf paper to this sweet asylum. In the cabinet with the books, there was a tray filled with old pens and pencils. (I have inherited my mother’s quirk of saving writing implements – help me!) I’d situate myself in a corner against the chimney wall, randomly pick out a 78 and play it while I wrote. I cannot imagine what I wrote back then. My guess is, it didn’t look much like this stuff – but it always felt so damned good while I was doing it.
It was an awfully sad day when I came home from school to find my parents boxing up much of the old stuff and putting it out to the curb. Oh they held onto things like the instruments, many of the books, and the larger furnishings, but I don’t even like to think about all that got tossed. I was sixteen years old by then, and we were moving.
I miss the old attic. When we moved away from that house, I so much wanted to take it with us. I wondered what place I would go to next, to access that precious sort of uninhibited me time. You know something? As comfy and secure as I feel in our home today, as lovely as it is to have some time to myself and also to share my life with my loved ones, I’m not sure if I ever quite found that sort of sanctuary again.
Oh wait. I believe I just did. It’s within me.
[the photos I carefully selected to use here were Google Images - I just converted them to black and white for effect. Though they closely resemble my old attic, I have no attic photos of my own]
Exactly. I also have an attic in the house I live- me.
What a lovely post. I had places like this as well growing up, and your words evoked those memories. I've got a space above my garage that I'm thinking about finishing out so I can have one again....
You reminded me of visiting my old maiden Mennonite aunts and tottering up the rickety stairs to their attic. It was full of tiny little dolls and those little paper umbrellas, the kind you get in exotic drinks. It seemed perfectly logical then that they'd want an attic full of paper umbrellas,(I mean, I LOVED those colourful little umbrellas!) but now I wonder where on earth they got them and why? They certainly weren't lounge-ladies! Very evocative post.
Every child should have an attic (or a reasonable facsimile)
My uncle used to say I reminded him of Veronica Lake. It was not until years latter that I found out who she was and what she looked like.
You need to start the book if you haven't already...My Memories.
For me it would be Bats in the Belfry but you do bring so many memories to so many people with the way you write...that sells.
Excellent post. I've never lived in a place with an attic that was any more than an open space with no floorboards and exposed insulation. Besides, you can't beat a good crawlspace for hiding bodies.
You have a talent for images in an emotional context lady! I could smell the space and almost taste the dust in the air... We were not so fortunate as to have an actual attic but I must admit a fascination for digging through old things. I recalled, as I read, sifting through my great grandparent's house after they had finally gone. I remember the delight of discovery and mystery. I got to experience it again more recently when we moved my Grandmother out of her house of 30 years. There's something about old things that grounds us, ties us to those that have gone before. Thanks for stirring up my memories!
You are such an amazing writer..
very nice post...i've never had a private space myself, but i used to cycle alone for hours know, the wind in your face and all i walk...or spend san hour or so (nighttime) on our wonderful hostel terrace...this is my 'me' time...
Do you know how happy it makes me to click on your site and find a new post?!
This one is memorable. I loved reading it, as it brought back so many memories for me. The only difference is, it was our basement -not an attic that was my sanctuary. But I can close my eyes, and "Be there" in a second; smelling the slightly musty odor below ground.
Holy smokes... I'm so glad I found your website Weary! Couldn't stop reading this one until it was over! ;)
Wow. This certainly brought back memories of visiting the attic in my childhood home. Well, I should say the pleasant memories. The attic started getting very scary the older I got (the chances of falling through the roof increased because there was less safe spots to watch).
One of my favorite movies is Gentlemen Prefer Blondes because I love seeing the clothes that Jane Russell wore. I would so dress like that if a) I could afford it and b) I would look as good as she did. Women sure knew how to dress back then. Probably not as comfortable as a tank & capris but still. Gorgeous.
cool pictures. I once dated a woman with nothing in her attic.
I only wish i had an attic to escape in my childhood. I love the 30's and 40s....the gowns...the whole period was so elegant and refined. Great post as always Carol :o)
Amazing story! and yes, we all have our own attics :)
Beautiful, just beautiful!
I remember my grandparents attic.I used to love dressing in the clothes.They had an old rocking horse in there to and i used to pretend i was going into battle with a sword sometimes and other times i was in a horse race.You brought back some nice memories with that post.
What a beautifully written story, Weary! It brings us all back to the special place we had when we were children. I think we all had one...
Nice. When you are little, an attic holds so much promise of discovery. Very good post.
Yet again you've taken me away from my reality and thrown me into a new and exciting place. I love this post. At my house, we never had an attic. We had a basement. The treasures found there were always special. I remember finding a box of my dad's old school reports. Actually, you've reminded me of a post I wanted to write.
I have an affliction for writing instruments too. When the pen/pencil/marker etc makers of the world go out of business, we'll both be well stocked!
Carol, I have no idea how they came up with the value of the blogs - but there's no way yours is worth less than mine!! I demand a recount!!
I distinctly remember the basement in my mother's parent's house, with 50+ years of history crammed in it, so cramped that you have to literally follow trails to get to the back recesses. There was so much magic in there, dormant life that begged to be relived by new energetic imaginations. Thanks for bringing up the memory.
I love attics! Except for the ones that you have to be careful to step on the boards or else you'll fall through and end up strattling a rafter which effectively renders your genitals useless.
It's tough to follow up after Jon.
Ahem. For me, it was my grandmother's attic. She was a member of Easter Star and had a bunch of lovely formals that I used to play dress-up.
Lovely post.
Very nice, I enjoyed reading (as always). Wish I had an attic.
that was an enchanting trip down memory lane...
i bet ur kids also had some favotire place (if not the attic it could be a cupboard...)
in ur home
Carol, Such a timely post for me when family memories are swirling in my head (my dad is having a risky operation today). Visiting your attic heaven, as you discovered such treasures gave me a tearful rush of emotion. We are our memories... and so much more. Hold them close to your heart. Kathy
Oh, my...that was delicious and delightful to read. The last pic looks like MY current attic...if we put in a floor, since the insulation is just covered with boards now, and boxes.
I wanted to live in my grandma's attic when I was kid...what a playplace it was!
Your post so reminds me of my days in the attic of the house I just sold that was my parents' estate. I too would "lose" myself in that attic. I became a different person when I visited up there. But I recently had the chore of cleaning it all out and letting it bare so the next family that moved in will create their own "visiting" place for one of their children.
Attics, I used to clean them :) ...Images were perfect!
I am back now LOL....
Thanks for asking :)
What a beautiful read that was. Thank you for sharing that time of your life with us.
We don't have attic space to the same extent that you do over there. My "attic" is the roof space above my ceiling. I certainly couldn't stand up in it, and that's if I actually managed to get myself UP there. I have a small square hole in the hallway ceiling that gives me access. The only thing up there is the artificial Xmas tree. And Cameron's the only one who can get it down (unless Anna's here and I'm hanging onto her legs at the same time lol)
I envy you lot with your attics and basements (we don't have basements either)...all that storage space. Occasionally I have to get really brutal and throw things out because I don't have the room for it. I'm hoarding as much as I can under my bed, and in every nook I can lol
If only your old stuffed animals had a that would be some real interesting reading too! lol
beautiful visual memories...thanks for taking us on a ride. I always wished we had an attic...but I did like to snoop in closets and drawers for old hidden stuff. My mother's closet fascinated me.
your house sounds amazing. full of weird and wonderful things and memories. You should be charging an admission fee!
Thank you....
You had me in tears as I sat and thought about my mothers house. She died in August and I have closed up her house in London till I feel strong enough to face it, now having read about your attic I feel ready.
Thank you.
Great post.
So many memories are hiden away in attics and basements.
I never had an attic but I did have a basement where i had my own little world away from everyone.
That damn curb get more memories that I can remember.
Have a nice weekend
I love that childlike feeling of having a place "all your own". For me, it was under the pines at my grandparents' farm. My grandpa had cut off all the lower branches, so there was this dimly-lit, pine-scented, hushed haven there, with a floor of neeedles. It was lovely!
This was a beautiful post!
I've always wanted an attic. I almost bought a house with one and a wonderful basment to boot, but it was so far away from where I worked, I ended up buying a different house. I often wonder how much different things would have been in that other house. With an attic to stash goodies and a basement to putter around in...
What beautiful metaphors attics, cobwebs and heirlooms are. Such a great story. I'm glad you still have those beautiful memories OF the memories.
The post, as usal, is inspiring.
I am loving the halloween picture!!Very bewitching, Haggie!
Don't eat too much candy.....
your own sweet space.. how I miss my space.. we have sold our house and my space with it too.. where I grew up some two years back...
my favorite space was my room by a corner where I used to do all kind of things... :) its a precious thing to have your own space... :)
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