January 07, 2013
Everything is Different - I'm Not in Kansas Anymore
Wowwie wow wow! I go away from blogging for a time (okay, a long, long time) and I come back unable to upload an image or video from my computer. I feel so far out of whatever loop I was once in, that I wonder if I can continue this activity at all or just find another, simpler writing venue; a lined leaf of paper, perhaps ... with a smooth writing implement?
Where've I been? What have I been doing with my long, cold New England winters and hot summers? Nothing exotic ... just keeping out of trouble with alternate forms of release. I've enjoyed a good and fine run with a YouTube channel, I continued and maintained my Facebook which I held ever since they allowed "civilians" to help keep it alive (... and don't be fooled, we did).
I was never overly fond of FB because initially, there was a lack of privacy ... and then as they tweaked their system, they sometimes neglected to tell supporters, leaving us floundering until we could hook up with someone who had already sorted their way around the joint. Jeeze... there were times when I had my li'l finger right on that delete button, only to remember dear old Aunt Cornelia's face upon learning that I, the very person responsible to getting HER into the damn thing, have now left her flat! There is no Aunt Cornelia, but there were others in her position, I assure you!
Regardless of what all I have or haven't been doing ... I like to kick back and return to the old haunt; to this... to stringing together a few words and leaving a sometimes-disjointed or confusing canvas for those willing to stick around this long.
I'll leave a list today for lack of a more intriguing or spiritually motivated post. People still like lists, don't they? Well, they used to... I used to. I still do. It's something that helps bring out a smidgen of the blogger's personality or "persona" to the light of day.
I still don't like that I can't add pictures here, and I still don't like that I can't toss a li'l video clip into a blogging space. And that's not my list... but I thought I'd throw it out there in case I'm missing something and they DO allow uploads from a hard drive. If so, can someone for the love of beans just let me know where they are hiding the access?
Oh yes... the list.
Things That Have Given Me a Chuckle or Two in the Past Couple of Days:
1. A man on line behind Ed and I in a department store. He was wearing the worst and cheesiest toupee I've ever seen in my life, even on sketch actors! It looked like it came straight out of a costume shop. Oh but that wasn't it... he was purchasing a small doorway rug. Swear. I'm betting just BETTING he was spending more on that doorway rug than he had on the one he stuck on his head.
2. Realizing that Ed and I could ice-fish from our family room! We could drill then set up the flags in a few holes then run back into the house and just look out back on the pond while sitting near the fireplace and watching something wholesome like Sopranos. (love our Sopranos marathons)
3. We have watched and re-watched Sopranos - the entire series - so many times now that either of us could quite possibly complete any movie-quote one might start, yet, while watching it the other day, I noticed yet another directing blooper. A scene where Tony and Carmella were dining out on their anniversary and discussing his lack of attention paid to her lately ... her arms were bent, elbows on table and hands folded at chin then down below the table ... on again off again in several quick clips of either listening to or speaking to Tony! Hard to envision, but it was quite comical as no one could possibly move their arms up and down that often and that quickly. So they chopped up the scene where the camera faced her to "speak" and then faced the back of her head to "listen" ... I mean chopped it POORLY! I dunno... gave me a chuckle.
4. The fact that I can't upload from my own laptop to put an image or video clip in my own blog anymore. Great. Not liking this no way, no how. I chuckle because it's just one more thing in life, as I start seeing sixty way up the road ... that makes me to feel just a wee bit less "in touch with the world" anymore... a bit out of the loop ... or just plain not in Kansas anymore!
Toodles till again ...