New Post ...New Spouse ... New Year ~ Woo Hoo!
Sometimes, when you’re a newlywed and you have an opportunity to spend your honeymoon at home with your marvelous husband while he’s on vacation from work, you just have to put everything else on the back burner and soak up the special moments like there’s no tomorrow.
Again, I find myself so grateful to everyone who stops here with their comments, game entries (memories) and their well-wishes! Words cannot express how wonderful it has been for us to pop in and read all the lovely sentiments everyone posted here. This has meant so much!
The wedding was picture perfect ~ cozy, personal and ever-so-romantic. I have a few pictures to share so I’ll bring in the New Year with this post and will be starting my blog rounds within the next day or so ~ I will be visiting every single person who has stopped by over the past two weeks so please understand if it takes me some time to make my way over. I have missed this activity VERY much and can’t wait to resume regular posting and visiting!

Ed & I moments after the ceremony on 12/17/05

Here's the old ball and chain begging for one more shot outdoors ~ poor Ed
Here we are safely and warmly tucked away in our living room near the tree
Nothing says lovin' like a cozy hug with the man of your dreams ~ go ahead, all together now ~ "Awwww"
We will NOT be getting matching sweaters and we will NOT be buying matching cars ~ but this photo, to me, was too precious for words so I had to include it
And to wrap up the day's events, we enjoyed a scrumptious dinner for two at one of our favorite restaurants on a cove in Mystic
I know this comes a bit late but I would like to wish everyone a cheerful, healthy, prosperous and loving New Year! Perhaps in 2006, I can get the rest of my act together and be a better blog-buddy. Hugs to all!
UPDATE (1.2.06): Since two people have asked how I made it out to the dock in those heels, I thought I'd explain. It was all done with lights and mirrors.
No, in fact, the gallant gentleman that Ed is, he removed his jacket and placed it in front of my every footstep.
Okay ... truth be told, the ground was still quite frozen which made the heels sink in only about 1/16th of an inch instead of the usual 3 inches. I didn't care about the soiled heels ~ initially we wanted to be married in our yard in the fall with the pond as a backdrop ~ the outdoor photos were important to me somehow. :)